Monday, July 14, 2008, 12:15 AM

Working the graveyard shift is always chill. It gives me time to myself.

So I read that the oldest blogger alive has just died. Sad. But she died happy soon after writing her final blog about how she sang "a happy song" in her nursery home. It amazes me how she even had all that energy to even sit there and type about all her experiences she's had in the past century (she was 108 yrs old). What better way of dying--singing my favorite song. Rest in peace.

I haven't been writing because I haven't been resting. I strained my back horribly last week (I'm convinced that it's the mop buckets @ work). Fucking killing me. I can't sit right. I can't stand right. I can't sleep right. It feels like I'm crooked. I hope it goes away soon. It's so painful, ugh.

Anyways, Bonnie's here! (: She's been spending time w/ me since I'm planning to get her spayed soon. I bought her a little leopard bandana to match. :D Everyone goes (even @ work), "You know it's Calee's for sure if you see anything in leopard print." She's such a cutie. I love my lil Bonnie girl. Plus, she's matured since we last had her at the house. She never goes potty inside; I always have to take her out to the grass for a break. The room doesn't stink! It's perfect haha. And she's so well behaved from what I remember of her (she chewed up everything in our room when she was a puppy--from our phone chargers to my Chanel eyeglasses). And she's so smart; she still remembers her tricks, and she listens to whatever we say. I love this dog. She loves everybody keeps a smile on my face, seriously. Having my dogs around always makes me happy. I think Mark notices it too (how my mood is different whenever my dogs are around). It's all I really want..just to have my dogs with me. The only problem we have at the house is FREAKING HAPPY. Everytime Mark's mom or aunt comes home, they'll always go, "HIIIII BONNIE!!!" and Happy's bratass gets all crazy and tries biting Bonnie all over the place. And there you see Bonnie waggin' her butt nonstop, and she still tries to give Happy kisses. He hates it. Little jerk. He's so mean. She tries so hard to play with him, but since they spoil his ass so damn much, he'll never learn to be a respectful dog. He peed on our bed (AGAIN). I would say that's like the 10th time he's done it. Gah. Gah gah gah. Oh yea, and to make matters worse, Bonnie's in heat. Freakin' great. Gotta get her a diaper now. It's such great timing.

I was watching The Tracey Fragments (Ellen Page) earlier. Weird ass movie. Interesting, funny at parts, confusing at times, and strange plot. She plays a 15 yr old teenager who runs away from home (her parents are insane) to go search for her missing younger brother (who thinks he's a dog). Yea, I dunno. Don't ask. Shit happens when you're a member at Hollywood Video and you need something to watch during these overnight shifts.

Yesterday, Mark & I went to the mall. He actually AGREED to go to the mall. Amazing. And who ends up shopping the entire time? He does. I didn't even spend a penny! And for once in my life, U.O. and F21 didn't interest me, whatsoever. Idk what's wrong with me these days. That's why I turn to Karmaloop and 80s Purple. More interesting and easier to find things.

I'm looking forward to the end of this month. So excited. Paramoreeeeee woooooo! Btw, even though I'll get no sleep tonight, I'm gonna be on the computer by 10am this morning buying the fucking merch that's gonna be on presale :D I'm so excited hahah. And then Disneyland, finally! Sigh. Planning for the date is hard, but I need to get it down asap since I know August will be a busy month for me (even @ work). I can't believe it's already the middle of July. Time seriously flies so fast, and before we know it, Summer will be over. Yes! That means shopping for hoodies and pants (:

Oh, and my diet's been going GREAT. So far, I've lost about 14lb in a month+, and it feels good (: And I'm STILL going! I'm proud of myself for taking the initiative. I never thought I'd be able to go through it, but I've gotten used to it. It's not like I'm dying to have a burger or anything. Even soda. I can't believe I haven't had a Coke in over a month. I'm not craving it. Plus, water's my favorite. Nothing's better than water. I love it.

This week also made me think about my lifestyle. My life consists of work, family, pets, food, exercise, shopping. That's pretty much it. I realized that a lot of people are naive and immature about respecting the type of life I live. SO WHAT if I don't fucking go out clubbing or getting drunk off my ass? What FOR? Why can't others just accept that fact that it's hard to just "live life, have fun" when you have so many responsibilities? I'm sorry I don't live in the valley anymore; I don't live under my parents. I don't go to them everyday asking for allowance. Over here, we have no time for luxury and all the "fun and giggles" that typical 20-21 year olds have the pleasure of doing. So basically, certain people just don't respect the hard work we give in to help ourselves. I guess it bothers me because I hate seeing people slack off and not care about themselves. They'd rather see us get fucked up and be retarded, and PARTY, WOOOOO! I see the big picture. WOW. You choose the way you live, great. I choose the way I live, great. Respect. The end.

Okay well, I guess I'll be writing later. I gotta get back to "Definitely, Maybe." Ryan Reynolds is a hottie.


Hello, my name is Calee. I may have the same interests as many others, but I'm really different. I don't judge by looks or status. I get along with everybody, but I prefer to just associate with those who are open-minded and can really understand who I am and where I came from. I have a good life living with my boyfriend Mark. He's the best boyfriend ever; he's intelligent, focused, and he takes the best care of me. One thing that everyone knows about me is that I LOVE DOGS. I don't party much or get drunk whatsoever, but that doesn't stop me from having fun. I love food (who doesn't?), and I love sight-seeing, shopping, watching movies, singing, going to amusement parks, or watching shows. These blogs should give you a hint of what life's like: BUSY! Work, school, dogs, Mark, and all that good junk.


Calee's Myspace

Mark's Myspace


Paramore's Official Website

